An affiliate is a person who market’s a company’s product to potential consumers. To be an affiliate, please follow the steps below:
- On the dashboard menu, hover on “LuluPromo” and click on “Affiliates” while it appears.
- Click on “Add New” to register a new affiliate.
- In the “New Affiliate” page. Fill in the the following:
- User login name: New login name of the new affiliate user.
- User email: New email address for the user.
- User password: The user password will be auto-generated.
- Affiliate Status: The status of the affiliate.
- Active:
- Inactive:
- Pending:
- Referral Rate Type:
- Site Default:
- Percentage:
- Flat MYR:
- Referral Rate: Affiliate’s referral rate
- Payment Email: Affiliate’s payment email for systems such as PayPal, Moneybookers, or others. Leave blank to use the affiliate’s user email.
- Group: Affiliate’s group (Going to insert link)
- Notes: Notes for the Affiliate. This is only available to see by the affiliate manager.
- Welcome email: If tick box is checked, affiliate will receive a welcome email.
- User login name: New login name of the new affiliate user.
- Once filled all required section, click on “Add User & Affiliate”.