1. Log in and go to your website Dashboard.
2. On the main Dashboard page, click ‘LuluBlaster’ on the left menu page.
3. On the upper right bar you can see ‘Contacts’, hover over it (Don’t click) and then click on all email contacts
4. Click ‘Add Contact’ at the upper right corner of the page
5. A prompt to input contact information will be displayed.
field that have an asterisk ‘*‘ is compulsory to fill in.
6. Then you will choose Lists, Tags and status. Lists and Tags is basically you can group the contact to a list and you can tag what list the contact is in. Learn more here.
Status is where you choose where the contact is subscribe with LuluBlast or not. Leave at ‘Subscribed’ for the contact to continue receive email blast.
7. After all is filled in, click create contact
8. Contact is created. You can update if there is anything you need to add.